Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Ancillary Task 2 - Mazazine Cover For The Series

Ancillary Task 1 - DVD Cover for Copleston High

Research And Planning - Conventions Of a Children's TV Magazine

Conventions Of A Children's TV Magazine
  • Bright Colours
  • Large Picture
  • The use of Borders
  • Information about the content of that issue.
  • Large Font
I will incorporate these conventions in my own magazine cover.

Research and Planning - Analysis Of Magazine Cover - Totally Tracy Beaker

To help me with my magazine front cover (second ancillary task) I am going to look at an existing front cover for a children’s TV Drama.
The magazine I’m looking at is ‘Totally Tracy Beaker’. The magazine is based upon the popular CBBC show ‘The Story of Tracy Beaker’.
Although this magazine is aimed at a slightly younger audience than my TV drama, this exercise will allow me to come up with a list of conventions to include in my own magazine front cover for my own Children’s TV drama.
The first thing that stands out to me is the use of big, bold and colourful writing. This style echo’s that used in the title sequence for the TV Show (Which I have already analysed) and would appeal immediately to children jumping off the shelves and catching their attention.
Also, like both the TV Show and the DVD cover the title of the magazine fills a large proportion of the top section of the cover.  This enables children to see clearly the title of the magazine and to gage an understanding of the type of things it will feature.
The use of the `child-like` shapes (circles, starbursts) are something that the reader can relate to and something that would appeal to them.  These shapes are also used on the DVD cover. 
The picture of Tracy dominates the front cover. She is a recognisable figure for children and on seeing this, the reader would know what to expect in the magazine and wouldn’t be disappointed with the content.
Another common theme used is the animation of Tracey. This plays a key part in the story telling of the programme.
 The same presentation style has been used for the DVD cover and the magazine cover incorporating the same /similar conventions to advertise these products.
This analysis has enabled me to gain a list of conventions that I will incorporate in my magazine cover.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Research and Planning - Synopsis Of Copleston High

Copleston High is a brand new drama coming soon to CBBC.
The series will run for 13 episodes each lasting 25 minutes at 4:30pm on both BBC1 and The CBBC Channel on Thursday afternoons.  The series is aimed at 10-14 year olds.
As the title suggests the show is set in a Comprehensive High School.
The series will cover all aspect of school life. The good times, the bad times, the ups and the downs.
The format of this show is unique. Unlike any other children’s TV dramas, Copleston High will see school life through both the students and the staff’s eyes.
Each Episode will focus on a different characters journey that week at Copleston High and the difficulties they may face.
The series will also cover controversial issues such as, Bullying, Racism and Discrimination. As well as this the series will cover story lines relating to home life including: Parents separating, the arrival of new pupils and health issues.
Although these topics may seem serious, the series will have a constant thread of humour featuring the lighter side of the school gates.